Caught in the Middle: A Journey Towards Fulfilment

MA Insight
1 min readJul 26, 2024


just feels like a poem

Caught in the Middle

In the vast expanse of endless time, I stand between the peaks I climb, Halfway up and halfway down, Wearing an unseen, quiet crown.

Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Tasks abound and dreams so high, Yet here I linger, beneath the sky. With feet on ground and head in air, I’m caught in motion, everywhere.

Not quite here, and not quite there, In the middle, life’s great snare. But in this place, I find my voice, To move ahead, I make the choice.

Though half the world may race ahead, I’ll pave my path with steps of lead. For every journey starts this way, A single step, a single day.

So here I am, I’ll make my stand, With heart and soul, and open hand. The world is vast, and so am I, I’ll reach the stars, touch the sky.



MA Insight

Passionate Writer, Psychological novelist. Consultant; Answers for peoples life questions